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The Church provides support to adults and youth who are incarcerated or detained. Click here for instructions explaining the type of support that may be provided and how it is administered through priesthood channels.


Stake presidents hold the priesthood keys for directing the correctional ministry. The Arizona Correctional Committee’s (ACC) role is to support stakes, wards and branches in their vital roles by providing training, resources, and other assistance as needed and requested. In addition, the ACC, serving under the direction of the assigned Area Seventy, acts as a liaison with the varied institutions and the government agencies that oversee and direct the prisons, jails, and detention centers within the State of Arizona.


The purpose of this website is to collect, organize, store, and update information and resources gathered from many organizations throughout the State with the anticipation that this information can assist church units engaged directly or indirectly in prison ministries. Information is also gathered from the many correctional branches organized within the State. This information can greatly benefit and assist priesthood leaders who are receiving inmates released into their stakes, wards and branches.

This is not an official website of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The content found on this website is not created, maintained, or controlled by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, therefore, may not represent official policies of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

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