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Correspondence Curriculum


The Arizona Correctional Committee (ACC) provides resources and training but does not provide instructors for wards/branches.  This study program shall be administered under the direction of the branch president.


A. Gospel Foundations for Incarcerated Individuals (click below for 28 lessons):

1. Our Father in Heaven                                         2. Our Heavenly Family                 

3. Jesus Christ, Our Leader and Savior                     4. The Life of Jesus Christ             

5. The Atonement of Jesus Christ                            6. Faith in Jesus Christ

7. Repentance                                                       8. Baptism 

9. The Gift of the Holy Ghost                                  10. Praying to Our Heavenly Father

11. The Church of Jesus Christ Today                      12. The Priesthood

13. Prophets of God                                               14. The Sacrament

15. The Sabbath Day                                              16. Scriptures

17. Freedom to Choose Obedience                           18. Obedience

19. Honesty                                                           20. The Law of Chastity

21. The Lord's Law of Health                                   22. Work and Personal Responsibility

23. Developing Our Talents                                     24. Charity

25. Service                                                            26. The Family Can Be Eternal

27. The Postmortal Spirit World                               28. Temple Work and Family History


B. Gospel Study for Incarcerated Women (click below for 12 lessons):

1. Charity Never Faileth                                    2. First Observe, Then Serve

3. Forget Me Not                                             4. Is Faith in the Atonement Written in Our Hearts?

5. Raised in Hope                                                    6. Sharing Our Light

7. Sisterhood: Oh, How We Need Each Other              8. The Savior's Respect for Women

9. The Words We Speak                                           10. This is a Test. It is Only a Test

11. Wanted: Hands and Hearts to Hasten the Work     12. We Have Great Reason to Rejoice


C. Link to Spanish Gospel Study Program

Come Follow Me


D. Links to Correctional Ministry Articles (Church Magazine)

Ministering to Those Who Are Incarcerated

A Message of Hope for Those Who Are Incarcerated

How Love Scales Prison Walls









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